Education Is Life [EP05] COVID19 Special

This SPECIAL EDITION Episode - we reflect on the COVID-19 pandemic & some of the lasting effects on our young people. 

Our school sent out a “School at Home” survey to the surrounding Chicago community of families both inside and outside of our school to find out what was working, & what wasn’t - and just to be there for our parents. 

With a variety of responses & reflections, we were able to tie back to the story of our founder, Rob Huge, and how things just weren't working when he tried homeschooling his children. 

In this episode, we share our results & findings. For both private & public schools, we noticed more similarities with a traditional school model approach vs. project-based, independent learning. 

Greenfields Academy is revolutionizing education - creating the focus away from what’s broken in the K-12 model and creating what we believe is a better way to “do school.” 

Creating a deeper learning experience, tap into the moral compass on what is important to the child, and get their learning to a “mastery” level for the subject matters they really love. No Homework. No Tests. No Teachers. No Standardized learning is what this school is all about. 

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Hi, I'm Rob Huge. 👋

I'm the Founder & Head of School at Greenfields Academy

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