Launcher Program
(Ages 5-6)


If you could build the ideal kindergarten, what would it be?

At Greenfields Academy, as an educator of today’s world, it is our job to make sure that a child is an equipped to solve the problems of our changing world today. And each child has the potential to do so- we just have to listen, follow, and be more aware of what we can do to support them to go there!

After all, each child is curious enough to find all of the answers they need.

We give loving support to the instincts that they crave to experience as children- asking questions beyond what we as adults sometimes have the answers for, running at full speed ahead in an open field, and critically thinking about how to troubleshoot everything around them.

“Being told there is one answer, it’s in the back… and don’t look!... And don’t cheat”

- Sir Ken Robinson

At Greenfields Academy, we think differently
based on the world around us.

Creating a foundation for your child to fall in love with their own education

A Greenfields Griffin is a child not limited by the confines of an education system that dates back over 100 years ago. They come as they are- filled with wonder, curiosity and guided by their own incredible potential.

We give every child the opportunity to become their inevitable destiny to become geniuses, inventors, entrepreneurs, innovators, thinkers, and leaders of their own journey to define the life they choose.

NonTraditional Schooling celebrates children for being who and what they are - unique children that continue to amaze us.

Learning Environment

  • Frequent field trips and guest presenters to extend learning beyond the classroom.
  • Outdoor space with playground and grassy playing fields.
  • No assigned homework or high-stakes tests.
  • Fun and enriching family activities to foster a strong school community.
“My daughter has grown leaps and bounds after her first year at Greenfields. Their unique approach to education has enabled her to thrive. We look forward to future years at the school”
Project-Based Learning

Students utilize their Core Skills in practical ways through interdisciplinary projects which offer students engaging, real-world experiences. Themes include science, social studies, business, and arts. Our project-based learning curriculum is designed so students not only dive deep into the subject matter, but practice using the cognitive processes that underlie learning and will allow them to tackle any challenge that comes their way.


Friday Discovery Day workshops give students time to explore their curiosities and be exposed to new ideas and experiences. Students can choose to work on an independent project, participate in club meetings, travel on a field trip, or attend their choice of workshops led by Guides, students, or visiting heroes. Exploration topics range from art to cooking to music to chess to science to yoga and beyond. Students can work on several different things in a day or stick with the same thing for weeks depending on where they are on their journey to find their calling.

Core Skills

The Greenfields model supports self-directed learning. Children make choices about their learning goals and can progress as fast as they are able, and with as much time to master skills as they need. Kindergarten students alternate between guided and independent learning centers where they master early reading, writing and math skills. As they grow and mature, elementary students gain the freedom to create their own learning plans and work more independently. Our badge system allows students to collect, communicate and celebrate their hard work, growth and achievement.

Personal Growth

We believe deeply in the educational and social benefits of combining students of different ages and abilities into shared classrooms. This creates a myriad of opportunities to focus on social-emotional growth. Our elementary students create their own set of studio rules and are expected to hold each other accountable to them. Kindergarten students intentionally practice skills such as kindness and teamwork, while older elementary students become certified as reading buddies, peer mediators, and meditation leaders. Through these experiences, they become confident and productive community members.

Our approach is beyond ratios, test scores, and standardized, well, everything. Greenfields Academy celebrates each child for who they are and what they are set out to do for their future.

Personalized Tools

As a Parent of the Greenfields Community...


They are asking us NOW how they can challenge everything -let’s keep letting them ask, seek, and find the answers to the world they want to live in for the good of us all.

We are Greenfields Academy welcoming YOU into the community & movement to challenge the way education once was and we know that every child has the potential to Change the World and do AMAZING! things!


Events and Virtual 1-on-1 Meetings are a great introductory step to take if you are considering enrolling
your child with Greenfields Academy. Sign up, bring the family, and bring your questions
around how the Greenfields Griffins are changing the world!

Hi, I'm Rob Huge. 👋

I'm the Founder & Head of School at Greenfields Academy

I'd love to meet you. Sign up for our next information session below:

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